There are many reasons as for noise in roller shutters while it is being operated and they can become noisier as they age due to the fact that they require some maintenance and upkeep to run efficiently. However, the problem is overlooked.
Motor parts require lubrication in order to work properly. When the gears, wheels and other moving metal parts are not well-lubricated, they tend to become noisy. Lubrication not only repairs the noise, it also makes the motor work more efficiently. Motorised roller shutters also tend to get noisy when parts are loose, not in their proper locations or are corroded.
Roller shutters are typically constructed from roll-formed steel slats which roll onto each other as the door opens. This produces a lot of metal to metal noise. Even the guides are typically bare metal, and the curtain sliding down in them produces a loud screeching noise, the noise can also be caused by vibration of metal against metal of the roller shutter parts or loose rails.
With older roller shutters, they can bring about further issues because over the time, the slats will stretch and cause the door to sag or corkscrew as it rolls up. This in turn places additional load on the motor and guides, exacerbating the noise. Larger doors will expand with direct heat, causing binding and additional friction as the door operates and this often translates to loud screeching as the door opens. The compact sectional door is a high-quality alternative to standard roller shutters. It has a number of benefits, one of them being their quiet operation. Consider this; Gandhi Automations recently carried out a noise assessment onsite and found that a standard roller shutter screamed in at 77dB whilst Gandhi Automations’ Compact Sectional Door whispered in at 52dB. The roller shutter which Gandhi Automations tested onsite was relatively new (roughly a year old) and older roller shutters tend to be noisier if they are not well maintained. If one tests some older roller shutters, he or she may find that they can screech louder at 85dB for example.
“This is significant when you consider that a conversation in restaurant, office, background music, air conditioning unit at 100 feet can be 60db which is half as loud as 70dB,” states Samir Gandhi, Director of Gandhi Automations.
Given that roller shutters are not only noisy but they also lack insulation. If one has a number of concerns with his or roller shutter such as the roller shutter:
• Takes up too much space
• Does not leave room for overhead lighting or skylights
• Is not sufficiently insulated
• Does not move smoothly.
• Then a compact sectional door can be a good solution.
What Should Be Done To Improve It
• Typically, intermediate slats are fitted with a nylon slat clip. These help to keep the metal slat away from the guide and reduce noise. Check for any that are broken or missing and replace them to reduce noise and free up the operation of the door.
• Check guides for damage. Even a small dent in the guide can create a pinch point for the door travel, adding load and noise.
• Some (not all) shutters will respond to some lubrication of the guides to reduce the metal to metal wear and tear and noise. It is recommended to check with roller shutter service
technician on this one, before applying.
• Get the spring tension checked on the door. An under-tensioned or out of balance door will operate under substantial load and generate noise from the guides and motor. It is dangerous to operate.
• Check for damaged slats. Sometimes the door may have been hit and bent in the past and has not been properly straightened out, causing additional friction and noise. Damaged slats can be easily replaced, adding new life to an old door.
Compact Folding Sectional Door
The Compact Sectional Door folds up above the door opening so that there is plenty of space for lighting and a sprinkler system. The insulated door blade means that energy loss is limited. It also fulfills one of the most important requirements – smooth operation. The panels fold up quietly and smoothly: the panels fold without noise; the electric motor is low noise and when the door closes the panels glide shut quietly using gravity.
If the user has many doors on site or he or she needs a quiet site, or the user may be meeting with clients often and can no longer handle the screeching roller shutter downstairs; the compact folding door is often used as a replacement for roller shutter doors.
This folding door is self-supporting with its side rails, so nothing more is needed. Since the compact door folds up above the door opening, it, therefore, does not require a steel structure on the ceiling or above the access. No balance springs are needed. The door blade is moved up by an electric motor and when closing, gravity plays its part. The advantage of this is that there are lower maintenance costs because there is simply less to maintain. The quiet and gradual movement uses little energy and this means a longer lifespan and lower maintenance costs.