Natural refrigerants group Eurammon meets for its 2019 symposium in June when it will discuss future-proof solutions in cooling and heating applications. The symposium on June 27th and 28th in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, will provide a mix of lectures and a panel discussion. This year’s theme will focus on the future-proof solutions that could master the challenges posed by statutory regulations such as the F-gas regulation. Participants will receive an insight into the current legislation and technical regulations, get to know new solutions for small-capacity ammonia refrigeration systems and discuss different refrigeration systems in the supermarket application.
Eurammon is a joint initiative of companies, institutions and individuals who advocate an increased use of natural refrigerants. As a knowledge pool for the use of natural refrigerants in refrigeration engineering, the initiative sees as its mandate the creation of a platform for information sharing and the promotion of public awareness and acceptance of natural refrigerants. The objective is to promote the use of natural refrigerants in the interest of a healthy environment, and thereby encourage a sustainable approach in refrigeration engineering.
Eurammon provides comprehensive information about all aspects of natural refrigerants to experts, politicians and the public at large. It serves as a qualified contact for anyone interested in the subject. Users and designers of refrigeration projects can turn to eurammon for specific project experience and extensive information, as well as for advice on all matters of planning, licensing and operating refrigeration plants. n