The Situation

Indian acrylic resin market grows at a CAGR of 5.1% that caters to a wide range of industries like adhesives, coatings, printing inks, insulating varnishes, construction, textiles and foundries.

While manufacturing resins for industrial purposes, cooling water is circulated from condensers to cooling jackets in kettles to keep the process temperature within limits.

In this plant, pumps were manually operated at fixed speeds even when the heat load was varying across the production batches. These uncontrolled pumps were consuming over 23.4 kW/hr. A detailed Grundfos pump audit unveiled the hidden energy savings and process automation potential for the customer to consider.

-Easy Operation
-Full Control
-Maximised Reliability.

The Solution

Existing pumps at site were replaced with energy-efficient Grundfos CRE pumps. Grundfos CRE pumps with its state of the art permanent magnet motors with IE5 efficiency optimizes the system efficiency by reducing the energy consumption from 23.4 Kw/hr to 18.7 Kw/hr. Further the manual operation of the pumps were automated with Grundfos CRE pumps by utilising its in-built auto cascading feature.

The Outcome

Grundfos CRE pumps with its intelligent features have a great advantage of adaptability to dynamic load conditions. Due to Grundfos pump audit, new improved system with CRE pumps could bring energy consumption down by 69.5%.

An in addition by using auto cascading feature of CRE pumps, customer could eliminate the need for external control panel.

Easy Operation: Grundfos CRE pumps with intelligent built-in controls like auto-cascading feature, intelligent BMS connectivity and frequency converters for auto- speed variation, have significantly improved the existing cooling system – moving from an unbalanced system to a reliable and optimal system.

Full Control: With Grundfos CRE pumps, the new system adapts its perfor- mance according to the field signal. The complete system has a variable flow, which enables maximum savings and improved uptime.

Maximised Reliability: Applying Grundfos expertise in pump audits, customer’s system energy performance is improved to ensure maximum savings and reliability.


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