REME-LED air purifier…

O2 Cure by ZECO Aircon, a leading manufacturer of central air conditioning and purification systems, has introduced a portable air purifier REME LED. Backed by internationally tested advanced technology, this portable air purifier not only protects you from the air borne harmful pathogens including the Novel SARS COV2 coronavirus. It offers the path breaking REME LED active purification technology by RGF, USA.

Because of its washable filter and ultra-quiet operation, the product is ideal for small spaces.  This features a long power life and functions as a low maintenance advanced catalyst. It is convenient to carry and easy to operate.

The high-flow purifier, which is designed to quietly deliver automatic, low-maintenance round-the-clock operation, quickly dilutes virus-carrying aerosols to a level that is significantly less infectious. O2Cure’s streamlined solution UV LED of optimum wavelength is directed on a hybrid catalyst that combines to produce friendly oxidizers like Hydrogen Peroxide molecules in the indoor space.

These friendly oxidizers neutralize allergens, odour, mold, bacteria, VOCs, and microbial particles in the air. In addition to REME-LED Bipolar Ionization (BPI) releases positive & negative ions, which reduce PM2.5 levels in the indoor space. This innovative product is a complete solution for all harmful air pollutants like allergens, PM levels, odour, mould, coronavirus, bacteria,VOCs and many other Simply plug it in, turn it on, and relax knowing that you’re being provided cleaner & safer air for your customers, colleagues, employees, or students.

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