Tata Motors Adopts Csr Approach To Combat Covid 19

T ata Motors, an automobile manufacturer, has come out with innovative idea of combating spread of COVID-19. The company has adopted a strategy to contain the spread of coronavirus. The company’s plan of  action is focused on E3 directives:
Essential Supplies provision: Tata Motors has organised for food supplies to migrants and stranded communities, urban slums, transit camps and villagers, drivers, co-drivers, mechanics, contractual and temporary workers, security personnel, across geographies in the country. So far, the company has provided over 25,000 food packets (cooked meals) and over 5,000 grocery kits (ration) and is continuing its efforts to ensure health of the underprivileged communities.
Equipping heroes on Ground-Zero: Tata Motors is supporting and assisting Self-Help Groups to manufacture home-made certified masks and sanitizers to be distributed to hospitals, vendors, health-workers, police stations, army personnel,
in communities around the company’s plants. Till date, the company has enabled the manufacturing of 17,000 home-made certified masks. The company has also facilitated N95 masks, sanitisers, Personal Protective Equipment kits that are being distributed to municipal hospitals. The company also conducted health check-ups and provided basic medication to over 500 stranded truck drivers and co-drivers
in Belur, Dharwad.
Educating masses for containment and prevention: Tata Motors is emphasising on good health practices by putting up banners and other related information material to spread awareness in slums and amongst low-income group


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