In the last one year and a half, the entire situation has changed worldwide as far as our lifestyles are concerned. In the previous issue of Cooling India, we focused on the importance and means of improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) as that was absolutely essential at all places where lockdown was imposed. Now the situation is changing slowly, and the economies are marching towards normalcy. Thus, at many places the withdrawn transportation services are being resumed. This is a very critical time considering the possibility of arrival of the third wave of corona pandemic.

Although in India, still most of the mass transit services are operating under heavily imposed restrictions, the socio-economical pressure is mounting at all places, and perhaps the same will soon compel the mass transportation authorities to normalise their services. Under such circumstances, it is very important to implement steps that will offer utmost care to the passengers while in transit. Like in most of the developing nations, in India too bus services are the mostly used means of public transportation in both urban and rural areas, thus, our public buses need to be upgraded to resist the spread of SARS COV 19.

In many sparsely populated countries, several new rules have been imposed to control the mass movement in the public buses, however in a densely populated country like India – mere imposition of rules will not be enough to control the heavy flow of people. Thus, every densely populated country needs to adopt technology to ensure hygienic atmospheres within the buses or other means of public transport. As I have already pointed out that buses are the commonest means of mass transit in our country, we have to be specifically careful to upgrade them with the modern technologies.

Considering the scenario mentioned above, in this JuIy 2021 issue of Cooling India, I have decided to present various items of information on improving the atmosphere inside the buses. I hope that information from different parts of the world will serve the brain-storming purpose for the decision makers in all public transportation service providing organisations.

Pravita Iyer
Publisher & Director


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