AHRI setting standards for HVACR industry

The Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), formed in 2008 by a merger of the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) and the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association (GAMA), is a North American trade association of manufacturers of air conditioning, heating, and commercial refrigeration equipment.

The Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), formed in 2008 by a merger of the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) and the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association (GAMA), is a North American trade association of manufacturers of air conditioning, heating, and commercial refrigeration equipment. The organisation performs political advocacy on behalf of its member industries, maintains technical standards, cer tifies products, shares data, conducts research, and awards scholarships.

AHRI setting standards
AHRI is an institute that is engaged in setting standards and running certification programs for over 400 HVACR equipment manufacturers around the world. The technology of the many manufacturers who are certified annually by AHRI is constantly being advanced and upgraded. AHRI’s programs are continually being updated to cater to manufactures with latest technology improvements in energy efficiency, control systems and heat exchanger performance.

Plan for 2020
AHRI’s business plans in India are:
• AHU Casing Certification Program to be offered to other manufacturers of AHUs in India. Already two manufacturers have been certified by AHRI for AHU casings.
• Fan Coil Certification Program to be added in India.
• More manufacturers to be added to both water-cooled and air-cooled chiller certification.
• Continuous engagement with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency for the Chiller Labelling Program.

AHRI at ACREX 2020
AHRI regularly participates at ACREX and displays its certification literature and procedures. The interaction with existing program partners is always interactive. At ACREX, AHRI also meets RAMA (Refrigeration & Air conditioning Manufacturers Association) – to be updated on manufacturers plans and answer queries as well as reach out to manufacturers to join the certification program.


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