Banco BPM continues to support the sustainable investments of LU-VE Group, with a 25 million euro loan. The group is a multinational based in Varese, listed on the Euronext STAR Milan segment, and one of the major operators in the world in the air heat exchangers sector.
The transaction has sustainability as its objective and is linked to the improvement of specific performance indicators (ESG KPIs). The purpose of the loan is to support LU-VE Group’s investment plan and support its working capital. The objective is linked to some green covenants linked to the percentage reduction in total Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Green House Gas – GHG). LU-VE Group in fact contributes directly to the well-being of the environment through the development of heat exchangers that use natural refrigerant fluids (CO2, ammonia, propane and water), instead of hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), with the consequent benefit of eliminating or drastically reducing the negative impacts on the environment (ODP – Ozone Depletion Potential and GWP – Global Warming Potential), thus also responding to the green needs of its customers. In 2004, the company built Europe’s first transcritical CO2 plant (Coop Tägipark in Wettingen, Switzerland).