Belimo produces 100 millionth actuator

At the beginning of the year, Belimo produced its 100 millionth actuator and in doing so reached another milestone in the company’s history.

At the beginning of the year, Belimo produced its 100 millionth actuator and in doing so reached another milestone in the company’s history. Today, hundreds of thousands of buildings around the world incorporate Belimo actuators into their HVAC systems.

The Swiss based world market leader for field devices for controlling and regulating heating, ventilation and airconditioning systems continues its growth course by reaching this milestone as well as the demand for innovative products that sustainably increase comfort, energy efficiency and safety in buildings.

Belimo delivers more than just products. The company supports its customers with innovative, efficient and energyoptimising solutions.

Belimo has earned the place of the market leader by valuing ingenuity and craftsmanship and never resting on our accomplishments. Very simply, we strive to build damper actuators, control valves and sensors that solve comfort and energy challenges, perform flawlessly and earn your trust through a long and productive life.

CESIM is a company-wide methodology approach to improving and developing products and solutions to meet and exceed customer expectations. CESIM ensures comfort, energy-savings, safety and security for people and their property and provides easy installation and commission with reduced maintenance offering optimum system performance.

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