The commercial teams of John Cockerill Energy Solutions and John Cockerill Hamon recently met at John Cockerill’s headquarter in Seraing (Belgium). The French, Spanish, Korean and Middle-Eastern sales representatives of Hamon discovered the John Cockerill Group headquarter, and met their Belgian colleagues specialized in the sales of steam generators, presented their portfolio of technologies, shared their good practices, and initiated a collaboration.
The respective technologies are indeed complementary since heat recovery boilers and cooling towers often equip the same type of power plants. The Energy Solutions and Hamon teams reflected on how to work together in terms of business opportunities, development and growth.
“Let us capitalize on our strengths, our expertise and our reputation and take advantage of the synergies in power generation while providing mutual support. We are stronger together,” summarized Thomas Bohner (CEO of our Energy Business), who declared being very satisfied of the meeting.
Hamon’s Wet Cooling Towers offer an outstanding performance by taking full advantage of the ambient air humidity. The group’s Research Cottrell Dry Cooling (RCDC) Air Cooled Condenser (ACC) represents state-of-the-art design and incorporates developments and lessons learned from decades of experience.