Embraco Presents Its Solutions At Virtual Trade Show For Natural Refrigerants
Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on unsplash

Embraco attended the Global Virtual Trade Show for Natural Refrigerants on September 1st and 2nd organized by Shecco, together with more than 70 other exhibitors. The event started at 10 AM CEST (Central Europe Summer Time) through an interactive virtual platform.

In addition to virtually visiting the Trade Show, the audience will be able to interact with avatars that will host the visitors at Embraco’s online booth, ready to clarify doubts on our solutions and answer questions on future refrigeration trends. The attendees can also watch videos and download leaflets with the product description and technical information, as well as participate in a webinar about Embraco Variable Speed solutions with Smart Drop-in feature, that will be presented on September 1st, at 3 pm CEST, by Michel Moreira, Senior Sales Manager at Nidec Global Appliance.

The portfolio that will be displayed is future proof solutions for food retail and foodservice, complying with the cold chain needs and international regulations. The solution presented will be eco-friendly technologies with high-performance, innovative and energy-efficient.


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