The 13th edition of Foodpro 2019 – an exclusive initiative on food processing, packaging and technology was organised from 23 to 25 August at Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai. Coinciding with Foodpro, the 2nd edition of ColdStoRe India 2019 – a focused initiative on cold storage and refrigerated transportation and T-Food 2019 – an exclusive showcase on traditional foods were organised.
The food industry in India comprises the food-producing and processing industries. The food processing industry is one of the largest in India – it is ranked fifth in terms of production, consumption, export and expected growth. The food processing industry is of enormous significance for India’s development, as it has efficiently and effectively linked the nation’s economy, industry and agriculture. The linking of these three pillars has synergised the development process and promoted the growth of the nation to a great extent.
Foodpro 2019 Exhibition and Conference focused on the latest trends, innovations, R&D, equipment & technologies and provided the platform to various stakeholders to learn the best practices and deliberated on the growth in the sector by fostering new business opportunities and technology adoption.
The one-day conference discussed about the present status of the food processing industry in India and identified the challenges in the sector as well as the future prospects. The proposed session provided a perspective on the food industry in India – the opportunity factor, technology and emerging trends. The conference highlighted the steps being undertaken to alleviate technology, processing and R&D functionalities in different areas within the agro food processing industry.
Rameswar Teli, Minister of State for Food Processing Industries, Government of India was the Guest of Honour at the inaugural session of Foodpro 2019 Conference. Banwarilal Purohit, Governor of Tamil Nadu was the Chief Guest for the exhibition inaugural.
Other key speakers included R Kamaraj, Minister for Food & Civil Supplies, Govternment of Tamil Nadu, Dr K Ellangovan IAS, Principal Secretary, Department of Industries and Commerce, Government of Kerala; S Gagandeep Singh Bedi IAS, Agricultural Production Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government of Tamil Nadu, Sanjay Jayavarthanavelu, Chairman, CII SR, Navas Meeran, Chairman, Foodpro 2019 among others.