Pipe Insulations are materials or combinations of materials wrapped around the pipe that retard the flow of heat energy. Pipe insulation reduces energy losses to a great extent and thereby lowers the energy cost. Piping is insulated as per the insulation class, operating temperature, and insulation thickness as directed in the Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID). Pipe insulation consists of materials or combination of materials, which add a protective covering to pipes and reduce the heat loss or heat gain from surfaces operating at temperatures above or below the surrounding temperature.
Rockwool is the largest material type of pipe insulation market
Rockwool is also known as stone wool. The production of rockwool is a technological replica of a volcano that spins and cools lava in a controlled environment. The base rock is graded and crushed along with other selected ingredients, such as recycled stone wool to form a raw material. The raw material is then melted in a furnace at a temperature in excess of 1500°C.
District Energy Systems (DES) is projected to be the fastest growing application
District Energy Systems (DES) distribute thermal energy from a central source to end users for space heating, cooling, water heating, or process heating. The central source from where the energy is distributed to end users can be a solid-waste incinerator, fossil-fuel fired boilers, a geothermal source, a solar energy system, or a system that utilizes heat developed as a by-product of electric power generation.
The fastest growing markets
Central and Eastern Europe comprise Russia, Poland, and rest of Central & Eastern Europe countries. Countries such as Russia and Poland are witnessing significant growth in the pipe insulation market. The major reason for the significant growth of the pipe insulation market in the region is the huge oil production in Russia and the increase in demand for district heating systems in the region. The European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) (2002/91/EEC) is the most significant measure supporting the growth of rockwool, which has been adopted by the EU.