Chillers consume more than 40 per cent of the total energy in commercial buildings Chiller star labelling program to save more than 500 million units of electricity in 2019 along with greenhouse gases reduction. Ministry of Power launched an ambitious program to encourage the deployment of energy efficient chiller systems in the country.
The Chiller Star Labelling Program has been formulated by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). The program envisages providing star rating in terms of its energy performance. Initially, the program is launched on voluntary basis and will be valid upto 31st December 2020. A K Bhalla, Secretary, Power, emphasised the need to improve energy efficiency in space and process cooling sector, considering the occasion of 24th World Ozone Day and the 31st Anniversary of Montreal Protocol, which will be observed on 16th September 2018.
“This initiative will promote advancement technology for central HVAC (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems and will also facilitate energy efficient solutions for the large commercial and industrial applications,” A K Bhalla added. Chillers are used extensively for space conditioning of buildings and for industrial process cooling applications. The size of Indian chiller market which stood at 1 Million Tonne per year at 2017, is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.6 per cent fueled by growth in the retail, hospitality and infrastructure projects. Chillers, being energy intensive system, contribute more than 40 per cent of the total energy consumption in commercial buildings. Therefore, it is important to optimise energy performance of chillers and create awareness amongst the end users to adopt transition towards energy efficient chillers.
BEE has developed an online registration platform for easy and expeditious approval under this initiative. The manufacturers will be able to register online for availing appropriate star rating of chiller equipment. Based on the test certificate from designated agencies and after due verification from BEE, the star label (1 to 5) will be awarded with five stars being the most efficient chillers.