Recently, 607 senior government officials and delegates, representing 103 countries and jurisdictions and 9 international and other organisations, have discussed ways to boost global emissions reductions through improved collaboration at the inaugural meeting of the Inclusive Forum on Carbon Mitigation Approaches (IFCMA).

The IFCMA is an initiative, which has been designed to help improve the global impact of emissions reduction efforts around the world through data and information sharing, evidence-based mutual learning and inclusive multilateral dialogue. The forum has brought together all relevant policy perspectives from countries around the world, participating on an equal footing basis, to take stock of and consider the effectiveness of different carbon mitigation approaches.

Although the target is the same, because of the varying situations in different economies, the approaches are different. However, it goes without saying that as far as any climate related issue is concerned, the desired target cannot be achieved in isolation. So, there was an urgent need for a forum to discuss and share the implemented strategies and their progress.

The IFCMA’s 9-10 February inaugural meeting brought together a diverse range of advanced, emerging, and developing economies to shape the initiative and discuss approaches to taking stock of the different carbon mitigation policies in place and considering their combined effect on global emissions. Together, the countries that participated in the inaugural IFCMA meeting account for more than 90% of global GDP and around 85% of global emissions.

As of January 30,2023, 133 countries have adopted the net-zero carbon emissions targets. Consistent with the principles of the multilateral climate policy architecture as set out in the Paris Agreement, climate change policies are diverse and tailored to (varying) national circumstances. The key challenge is to ensure that these individual emissions reduction efforts are globally as effective as possible.

The IFCMA will help policy makers to showcase and discern good practices and adopt and adapt mitigation policies that best suit countries’ objectives and circumstances. High-quality and comparable information generated by the IFCMA can in turn support dialogue in other international settings. ’Hope the initiative yields positive result…

Pravita Iyer

Publisher & Director


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