Honeywell’s lower GWP R466A is recognised as a new inert refrigerant by The Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (JSRAE). The recognition confirms ASHRAE’s previous classification of R466A as an A1 (no flame propagation, lower toxicity) refrigerant.

Branded by Honeywell as Solstice N41, the refrigerant created huge interest when first announced in 2018. Although not a retrofit gas, its non-flammable characteristics and lower GWP of 733 make it, at least, a potential medium-term replacement for R410A in the popular VRF systems. 

Chris LaPietra, Vice President and General Manager, Honeywell Stationary Refrigerants, said: “Solstice N41 is a safe and economical solution for original equipment manufacturers in Japan and around the world who are seeking to replace R410A with an energy-efficient solution that is safe for the environment, without sacrificing performance. We specifically developed Solstice N41 to address the many regulatory and safety issues facing the industry, and its recognition by JSRAE will enable further global development as we move towards commercialising this solution.”

Honeywell maintains that R466A is now in the “advanced stages” of commercialisation. According to Honeywell, it is currently being extensively tested by over 15 OEMs and leading compressor manufacturers, including OEMs in Japan. It is also said to have accumulated more than 100,000 hours of testing in different applications such as commercial AC (VRF and rooftops) and residential AC (unitary ducted equipment in the USA). Honeywell said: “In Japan, the JSRAE designation is a key milestone for VRF OEMs to phase down HFCs in these applications.”


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